
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Potted Plants for Your Interior Decoration

Potted plants are great and simple solutions for home decorating. They can be moved outdoors during the summer for a festive garden, then moved inside during the winter to avoid the frost. Choose plants that you are able to care for and won't get sick of, and you will have a portable, low-maintenance garden all year-round. Select attractive pots that go well with the area they are potted in. Terra cotta and wood planters look good in most locations. If you don't intend to move them, heavy cast stone pots also are a good option.

A home filled with potted plants is a home that exudes character, warmth and fertility. Plants can provide an emotional boost, help cleanse the air and are great simply for their decorative qualities. But the choice and maintenance of potted plants can pose some difficulties.
Most potted plants will need to be re-potted every year or two, though others like bonsais can remain in the same pot for many years if properly cared for. Many plants will require re-potting and/or trimming though as they continue to grow and outgrow their pot or interfere with other household areas through their continued growth.
By carefully staging out your planting duties by acquiring your plants at different times of the years, as well as having species with different growth rates, you can minimize the amount of upkeep that would be required all at once and not get overwhelmed with the workload.
The other benefit of a variety of species is that many will bloom at different times throughout the year, and for varying lengths of time, ensuring you'll always have a nice mix of fully grown and developing house plants for air cleaning year around.
By mixing up the variety of plants in your house, you can keep a thriving and attractive residence with a minimal amount of upkeep. It's the best of both worlds.
Potted plants are a centerpiece option that works well in the home to add design while also adding function. They also can be used at weddings or parties and be given away as favors at the end of the event. Consider some creative ideas to use potted plants as decorative centerpieces.

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